Do You Have a Healthy Mindset?

Do you take the stairs or the elevator/escalator?
How close to the door of the store do you park your car?
What alternate forms of transportation do you use besides driving?
Do you order smaller portioned meals or eat 2 or 3 portions in one setting?
How many medications are you taking?
Do you huff and puff when walking up a short hill?
Are you a smoker or tobacco chewer?
Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis and has it become a habit in your life?

The Benefits of a Healthy Mindset

When you are healthy, life is easier, less expensive and more enjoyable.  You aren’t spending all of your money on doctor visits and overpriced prescriptions.  You live longer and get to play with your children and grandchildren and get to watch them grow up and enjoy life.

Your energy levels go up, your aches and pains go down.  Your mental clarity improves, you become like the energizer bunny.  It is a joy to get out of bed in the morning, rather than a major effort.

I can’t tell you how many people I have met that have given up unhealthy behaviors for healthy ones.  Every single one of them will tell you that they feel so much better physically and mentally and enjoy life so much more.

Some used to smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day, but are now endurance athletes.  Some used to weigh 100-200 pounds more than they do now.  Many were addicted to drugs and/or alcohol but are now “sober” Ironman athletes or ultra-runners.  How did they do it?  The bottom line is that they had to choose health.

Choosing Health

For some, it was not an option.  They were told by their doctors that they were dying a slow death.  Others just got tired of being the hamster on the wheel, going to work every day to a job that they hated, drinking way too much coffee, eating way too many donuts, smoking, going out to happy hour, staying up late, etc.  And they were always feeling bad.  But one day, they made a choice.  It didn’t happen automatically.  And it won’t happen automatically for you.  You must choose to be healthy!

How to Plan a Mindset Change

It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed when making life changes.  My suggestion is to start with something small, just one or two things at a time. Park farther away from the door to the store.  Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator.  Walk around the block once and then do it again.  Bypass that soda, beer or wine one or two times a week.  Reduce the amount of white sugar you consume in coffee and tea or in the form of desserts.  Eat smaller portions, or only eat between the hours of 11 am and 7 pm.  Let the feelings that result propel you to make the next small change until you’ve gone through an entire list of substituting healthy behaviors for unhealthy ones.  Use something to track your progress and reward yourself each week for the progress that you have made.

Should I Exercise?

There is that dreaded word, exercise.  Many people think they have to run, ride a bike, do CrossFit, or something else that requires a lot of effort.  I say there are plenty of ways to burn calories that don’t necessarily tax you as much.  Some examples include swimming, Pilates, yoga, water aerobics, kayaking, kickboxing, hiking, playing softball, playing racquet sports, bowling, dancing, martial arts, walking a dog around the block, climbing stairs, washing the car and more.

Making the Commitment and Choosing Health

Will you make the commitment?  Will you pick 2 positive and healthy behaviors and do them for a week and then a month?  Will you post here what they are and let me know of your progress?  Maybe I will hold an online challenge event if there are enough of you that commit.  Looking forward to it.